The series, directed by Jalil Saman and produced by Seyyed-Ahmad Kashanchi, will start on Thursday, February 10, 2022.
‘The Gift of Darkness’ tells the story of a man who gets recruited by a terrorist organization, the MKO, and the struggle between his conscience and the heartless, inhumane actions that the MKO tries to brainwash him into doing in order to further their radical political agenda.
The most notable on the cast list are Arash Majidi, Leila Zare, Soudabeh Beizaee, and Amir Aqaee.
‘The Gift of Darkness’, made in 2010, is scheduled to replace ‘Breath’, which will air daily at 23:00 GMT.
iFilm English TV will also repeat each episode of the social drama on the following day at 05:00, 11:00 and 17:00. The series comprises of 22 episodes.